RedisConf 2021 has been concluded on Apr 4th with 60+ sessions focused on using Redis as technology to discover the power of real-time data. Redis being the opensource in-memory data store is not just limited to caching and increasing its usage as database & message broker as well.
This article summarizes key takeaways out of the keynote delivered by Ofer Bengal (Redis Labs Co-Founder and CEO), and Yiftach Shoolman (Co-Founder and CTO):
#1 – Building partnership with major cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
- Cloud providers monetized Redis without much contribution and now Redislabs partnered with all major cloud service providers.
- Redis is now offering services with all 3 cloud service providers:
#2 – Focus on Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
- RedisAI serving data to AI-powered applications as storage (feature store) for executing Deep Learning/Machine Learning models and managing their data
- Supporting AI use-cases like visual search, reviews, etc.
- Redis emerging as online feature store for AI applications – also includes feature store, model store, and model inferencing:
#3 – Redis driving innovative products with
- Highlighted usage of Redis most popular modules to build innovative products:
- RedisSearch – Full-text search with a query, indexing, and search
- RedisBloom – Probabilistic Data Structures for Redis
- RedisTimeseries – For time-series data particularly for IoT
- RedisJSON – Documents and profiles
- RedisGraph – Graph database for Redis
- RedisInsight – GUI for Redis development
- Redis supports programmability using Lua scripts, Functions, Gears, Modules. Redis Functions got announced at the conference and soon will be available for production-level usage.
#4 – Redis – a de facto standard for real-time systems
- Latency aware and super fast (sub-millisecond response time) real-time applications
- Freedom to build your app with any data model
- Real-time access to data for stateful applications with high availability, replication, auto-failover, scalable Redis module like RedisRaft – a New Strong-Consistency Deployment Option
#5 Deep-dive into Redis Deployment Options
Shared update on Redis supported deployment options (particularly using Redis Enterprise Cloud – managed cloud service):
- Option#1 – Read-replicas
- Option#2 – Other distributed database (DynamoDB, Cosmos) + Redis
- Option#3 – Active-Active Redis (announced that nested datatypes -RedisJSON & RedisSearch supports CRDB – conflict-free replicated database)
To conclude, Redis is not just a Caching platform – it is more than that as database, event store, in-memory data store, AI feature store, AI, and search solution enabling us to build real-time applications with ultra-low latency and high throughput.

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